Here she is! She's a Windows 98 SE computer, Intel Pentium III with 128MB of RAM. Has both a CDROM and 3.5" Floppy drive. Don't worry, I make sure she gets plenty of sunlight, food, and water n' stuff. Connecting to a modem/Ethernet cable is a pain, so all of my internet computing is done on my XP machine. :-P
I love playing Unreal Tournament '99 and Kings Quest 1.
Computer tower + monitor + keyboard... plus all the useless shit I have sitting on top of them. (potential fire hazard?)
Kitty!!! Her name is Aria..Arya..Arreeyuhh?? No clue how to spell it, my brother named her lol.
hot ladiez on mah background. you already know. used to be a Shelby car, which was also pretty sick.